Announcement: New products DVP02LC-SL and DVPSCM12-SL

1 minute

The new S series models upgrade, give us the capability to start to use high speed left bus more often.
In the past we only have DVP-28SV, but now we could connect our high speed modules in two new CPU’s DVP-12SA2 and DVP-20SX2.
Because of that, our Delta engineers develop new high speed modules to make our life easy.
The first one is DVP02LC-SL.

DVP02LC-SL is device designed for two functions: Tension control applications and Weight applications.
It provides 24-bit resolution applicable for 4-wire or 6-wire load cells with various eigenvalues.

Below you can download the official product announcement with the features of the device. Furthermore, we add some real field application to understand the functionality of this device.

DVP02LC-SL Product Announcement
DVP02LC-SL tension control application
DVP02LC-SL Software (LCSoft_V1.00)
DVP02LC-SL Manual

This device is already available

The other important launch in relation with High speed left side modules, is this 2 multi-use Serial communication ports.
Basically are 2 serial expansion RS485/RS422 ports with the capability to change the frame construction. This allows us to communicate with every kind of device with serial communication.

The principal assets are:
1. Can be used as extra port to monitor and program the MPU.
2. Can add to the PLC up to 16 ports, these means that our 32 node limitation of RS485 can reach now up to 512 devices.
3. Strongly noise immunization with 120 ohm terminal resistor embedded.
4. User-defined communication (UD Link) provides flexible communication protocol interface. It’s made
DVPSCM12-SL can connect to all kinds of serial communication device.

DVP12SCM-SL Product Announcement
DVP12SCM-SL Presentation

This device will be available 2011 Q4

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